Monday, September 13, 2010


In an effort to stay on top of things and to take advantage of my current "dedication wind" I decided to get into the code today and implement the shadows portion. The changes where not too hard to implement.

Everything is brute force at the moment, but hey, it works! Im looking to implement a radius parameter into my point light to mimic faux area lights. In the meantime here is a little image

Next up... i dont really know. I want to implement multi-threading as well as specular shading. I also need to add more primitives because im getting kind of sick of these spheres.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Materials (Matte) and PointLight

I had to take a break in development because we had a very demanding project at work. That and I have also been playing around with the beta version of a very strong and cool raytracer.
After the small hiatus I finally got around to add light and material support. Here is a small image.

Next up: shadows and specular reflections